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5 Main Reasons for Using Drones For Tourism

In the Second of our 2023 series of informative blogs, Atlas Aviation explores the five main reasons for using drones within the tourism industry. The team at Atlas Aviation has a combined 1500h in manned and unmanned aviation and can help and guide customers where required.

Introduction One very effective way to attract visitors' attention and convince them to come to your site is by visualizing your point of interest through photography and videography. Aerial photography and videography with drones is ideal for locations with their best extent shown from the air, such as the travel and tourism industries. Aerial clips and images of your location and surrounding area are perfect to showcase on your website, social media platforms and YouTube as well as use in printed material. They can capture sweeping panoramic imagery, videos, first person views and full 5.4k imagery of your site both to engage potential visitors and attract them to a location. They intensify emotions by displaying a very special view and unusual perspective of your location, setting you apart from your competition, giving you unprecedented advantages. Tourism locations can be hard to show off to their best extent from the ground, but come to life in an aerial photograph or video. Designed for maximum impact aerial footage filmed by a professional drone operator can create incredible imagery and videography for your tourism location and attract visitors and increase revenue. From promoting large national parks, stately homes in beautiful landscapes, beach resorts, historic market towns, theme parks or forests and biking trails, drone services are suitable for all types of tourism locations.


Summary 1. Attention Grabbing/interactive - Attract visitors to your tourist destination.

2. Utilise your locations Context - Take advantage of nearby attractions and landmarks.

3. Create Maximum Impact - Communicate instantly

4. Convey emotion through a visual story – Create a journey of excitement, wonder and curiosity

5. Increases visitors, revenue, and profits


Attention Grabbing/interactive

Think about what grabs your attention when you’re scrolling through a website. Is it a basic text ad or a colourful video?

High quality 4K video clips are perfect to showcase on your website and social media posts. Your eyes are attracted to movement, so videos naturally draw attention. People are over 27 times more likely to click on an online video than text. For drone videos due to increased movement, studies show this to be over 35 times.


Utilise your locations context

Drone footage can utilise and display the context of the location, for example a Peak district campsite surrounded by idyllic countryside.

The footage can:

· Highlight landmarks or features that will boost interest in the location

· Highlight nearby associated attractions of interest

· Help people in a more practical sense such as easily showing roads, local amenities, and shopping areas.


Create Maximum Impact - Communicate instantly

Drone Footage gives the viewer an instant impression of the whole area, highlighting the advantage of your location to the viewer. This communicates and impacts far quicker and effectively to the viewer than what mere paragraphs of text and static photos could ever do. A cinematic flyover or walkthrough first person video speaks a thousand words.


Convey emotion through a visual story – Create a journey of excitement, wonder and curiosity for your viewers

Drone footage can create aerial video & photography in line with your marketing strategy, creating a journey of excitement, wonder and curiosity for your viewers.

Drone videos are really good at storytelling, and the human brain loves stories. They elicit strong emotional responses, which make people want to share, comment, or buy the product/service.


Increase visitors, revenue, and profits

Because they can combine movement, sound, and text, drone videos can pack a lot of information into a smaller package. It's been said that a one-minute video is worth 1.8 million words.

For example:

· videos are 6x more likely to be shared than those with images

· Images are 150% times more likely to be shared than text-only.

· According to Hubspot, 80% of customers remember a video they viewed in the past month.

· One study found that video can increase purchase intent by 82%.

· 73% of consumers say they’re more likely to buy after watching a branded video about a product or service.

Links to all studies reference are included below.


Please contact the Atlas Aviation Specialists on for information

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